Sabtu, 11 Ogos 2012

Harga Emas Mungkin Naik Minggu Depan

Harga Emas Mungkin Naik Minggu Depan
Kata Kebanyakan Penganalisis Emas

57.9% Naik
10.5% Turun
31.6% Berkecuali

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Editor's Note: Bulls or Bears? Kitco News' Global News Editor, Debbie Carlson breaks down what leading analysts are expecting for gold in the week ahead every Friday on

Gold Prices Could Rise Next Week, Say Of The majority of Survey Participants
Friday August 10, 2012 12:02 PM

Gold prices are holding above $ 1.600 an ounce and that's a positive sign for gold to drift higher, as a majority of participants in the Kitco News Gold Survey seeing Stronger prices next week.

In the Kitco News Gold Survey, out of 32 participants, 19 respondent this week. Those of 19 participants, 11 see prices up, while two see prices down, and six are neutral or see prices moving sideways. Market participants include bullion dealers, investment banks, futures traders, money managers and technical-chart analysts.

Those who see higher gold prices Suggested That's Ability to hold above $ 1.600 is Helping the market to form a new bottom in the wider trading range of $ 1.550 to $ 1.640. Most of these participants who see higher prices call themselves "cautiously bullish," such as Mark Leibovit, editor of the VR Gold Letter, who added he is looking for a break through the upper resistance to feel Stronger about higher gold prices.

A number of survey participants see no reason for gold to move out of its continuing sideways trading range, given That August is a slow trading month.

"There's not much to talk about this week. I think we will continue to see a coiling feature for this market going into the Asnawi September rally. Demand really needs to step it up in India and the eastern Countries to get gold through the $ 1.625 area, "said Jimmy Tintle GreenKey of Alternative Asset Services.

Those who see lower prices said the lack of news and the lower volume of gold has seen this month suggests That Could prices fall.

By Debbie Carlson of Kitco News

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