Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Editor's Note: Bulls or Bears? Kitco News' Global News Editor, Debbie Carlson breaks down what leading analysts are expecting for gold in the week ahead every Friday on

Editor's Note: Bulls or Bears? Kitco News' Global News Editor, Debbie Carlson breaks down what leading analysts are expecting for gold in the week ahead every Friday on

Survey Participants See Higher Gold Prices Next Week
Friday September 28, 2012 12:10 PM

Gold prices are Finding underlying support from ultra-loose Monetary Policy and rising European debt problems and this could Give the yellow metal further strength next week, say Most potentials in the weekly Kitco News Gold Survey.

In the Kitco News Gold Survey, out of 33 u, 24 responded this week. Those of 24 u, 20 see PRICES up, while two see PRICES down, and two are neutral or see PRICES moving sideways. Market potentials include bullion dealers, Investment Banks, futures traders, money managers and technical-chart analysts.

Several participants who saw the Higher PRICES voiced similar Reasons to what Carlos Perez-Santalla, precious metals broker at PVM Futures, said: "up QEF (quantitative easing forever), South African mounting troubles, European debt troubles and PBOC (People's Bank of China) actions. "

Gold will rise next week, said Adam Hewison, president and chief strategist with INO and "Gold has Become the new Apple for Investors, look for this market to move over $ 2,000 by the end of the year," he added.

Not everyone is forecasting Higher PRICES. Standard and Poor After a strong rally, a FEW u said they were looking for gold to retrace These Gains, so for hire PRICES expected to be down next week.

Others who are neutral or see around current levels trading PRICES said gold is in a holding pattern for time Being and needs time to digest the current rally.

By Debbie Carlson of Kitco News

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Harga emas mencari sokongan asas daripada dasar monetari yang ultra longgar dan masalah hutang Eropah yang semakin meningkat dan ini dapat memberi kekuatan logam kuning lagi minggu depan, kata kebanyakan peserta dalam Penyiasatan Kitco Gold....Tukar kepada Logam Kuning sekarang...ini nombornya 0199135525

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